If there was an angle,
And a demon.
You have been the demon all along.
Seducing the feather,
Into a Deal,
That would seem rather,
More then ideal.
A pair of wings,
To fly and ignore.
The chains wich clings,
For pain to restore.
But a deal with the devil,
Will never end well.
Under sea level,
A black heart fell.
The angle instead,
Cut off their wings,
And gave it to the dead.
Bloody pain it brings.
The White smiled.
And saw the demon in the sky.
The angle was happy,
The wings for them was a lie.
For them they were crapy,
Not really a use.
But for their demon,
At least a boost.
Its all the feather wanted.
Someone to love.
The demon tries to revenge,
Like the angle made a loss.
My demon gave me all i needed.
A Smile…
That should stay for a while